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Tutorial How to create an Metin2 NPC


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I searched for a tutorial on implementing an NPC, but the only one posted on the forum is quite old and not very clear. So, I thought I’d create a tutorial myself on how to implement an NPC in Metin2.


To implement an NPC, you’ll need:

Required Content:

  1. The NPC folder with its model (.gr2) and textures.
  2. A decrypter for proto files (Dump Proto or another tool).

Tutorial: Adding a New NPC

Step 1: Decrypt the npc2 file and add the NPC folder (from step 1) here.

Step 2: Decrypt root and open npclist.txt.

  • Here, add the NPC’s code and the folder name (from step 1).
  • Save and recompile the root.

Step 3: Decrypt locale and open mob_proto.txt from Dump Proto.

  • In mob_proto.txt, add a new line for the NPC, and in mob_names, add the new NPC’s name.
  • Tip: You can copy the line for the general store (ID: 9003) and duplicate it, then change the code to the new NPC’s code if you don’t have mob_proto resources in the archives.

Step 4: Compile mob_proto.txt using Dump Proto and add the new generated mob_proto to the client (locale).

Server-Side Setup:

  • For those using .txt files:

    • Replace mob_proto.txt and mob_names.txt in usr/home/game/xxx/xxx/db with the new files.
  • For those using SQL:

    • Go to Navicat -> Player -> mob_proto and create a new line for the NPC.
    • Tip: You can copy the general store line (ID: 9003), duplicate it, and change the code to the new NPC’s code.

Note: Some NPCs may have their model location in a different folder, not necessarily npc2. To check the location, go to the NPC folder and open the .msm file with Notepad++.


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